
80s-90s Maldives

Group 4 has chosen Maldives as their destination. The Maldives is a South Asian country, it is lovated in the south of India. It is made of 26 atolls (small islands). Accommodation: As you can see in the next photo, the Maldives have changed a lot since the 80s: In the past there weren't as many hotels as in the present. So in the 80s-90s there was a small number of hotels. Hotels is the past were not luxurious. Hotels in the 1980-1990 period were simple: In the next link you have a photo of an old hotel: Is photo 4/4 http://www.kurumba.com/maldives-history   Activities: People have always visited the Maldives for its beaches and tropical weather: http://www.kurumba.com/maldives-history --> ONLY look the PHOTOS. You can see 3 activities in these photos. Transport: As the Maldives is a group of islands, you need a boat to go from one island to another. In the 80s-90s there were only 2 international airports: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_air...

21st century Costa Brava

Group 5 has chosen Costa Brava as their destination. Costa Brava is a coastal region that starts in Blanes and ends in Portbou. Some important cities are: Portbou, Roses, Port de la Selva, L'Escala, Lloret, Tossa and Blanes, among many other. Transports: In here you have all the info about the transports http://en.costabrava.org/come/transport Accommodation: In the next link you have information about the different accommodation services in the costa brava: http://en.costabrava.org/accommodation You can talk about the different types of accommodation an give at least one or two examples. Activities: Enter this link to find out about the activities: https://www.spain-holiday.com/Costa-Brava/articles/most-fun-family-activities-costa-brava Reasons: https://travelsort.com/7-reasons-to-visit-spains-costa-brava/ https://www.continentscondiments.com/costa-brava-guide-6-reasons/ In these links you have the different reasons, but you DON'T have to read the TEXT, only r...

21st century Andorra

Group 5 has chosen Andorra as their destination. Here you have some link to find information about this country. Accommodation: A big part of its accommodation service consists of hotels, apartments and rural houses. Most of them are close to the mountains, where people goes to ski or to hike. Cabins are also famous for those who love to live sorrounded by nature: Transports: The most used transport to go to Andorra is the personal car. Andorra has the closest airport in Catalonia:  https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroport_Andorra_-_la_Seu_d%27Urgell which was built in 1980. It is used for minor flights and mostly for charter flights (personal flights). There is no direct train to andorra. You have to use the train to Seu d'Urgell and then take a bus to Andorra. Food and Beverage: Here you have the specialities of the Andorran cuisine. https://jovevineaandorra.wordpress.com/gastronomia/cuina-tradicional/ Reasons: Only look at the photos and TITLES, you don...

Touristic BOOM - United States (San Francisco)

Group 3 has chosen the Beach tourism. In the period 1950-1970, the world's most visited country was the U.S.A. The beaches in this country were the main attraction in the world. Here you have some links to help you design your triptych: Accommodation : Here you have to show the different hotels and other types of accommodations: (From the reading) Another invention that made travelling cheaper was the Bed and Breakfast (B&B) accommodation. Is a small lodging (allotjament) establishment that offers one night accommodation and breakfast. B&B is often private houses that have between four and eleven rooms. The B&B started in the USA in the 60s. https://www.google.es/search?q=b%26b+1960&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCkJnAleLaAhWB0xQKHVezBKAQ_AUICygC&biw=1745&bih=885#imgrc=lgI6v2StQySKNM: Hotels were very popular at that time: https://www.google.es/search?safe=off&biw=1745&bih=885&tbm=isch&sa=...

Contemporary Age Costa Azul

Group 2 has chosen the city of Costa Azul. Costa Azul is a coastal region in France which includes the cities of Nice, Cannes, Saint-Tropez, Saint Raphael, Montecarlo and Monaco. All the information is about the city of Nice in the XIX century (1800-1899). Here you have some guidelines and links to design your triptych: Accommodation: Costa Azul was a destination for only rich people. In the present it is still very expensive. All the hotels were luxurious and expensive.  http://www.abc.es/Media/201311/08/chateau-eza--644x362.jpg Activities: What can you do in the different Nice? Here you can find some activities that people could do in the past in Nice: Visit the fountain Mont Alban: https://www.tripadvisor.es/Attraction_Review-g187234-d4084076-Reviews-Fort_Mont_Alban-Nice_French_Riviera_Cote_d_Azur_Provence_Alpes_Cote_d_Azur.html#photos;geo=187234&detail=4084076&ff=311703328&albumViewMode=hero&aggregationId=101&albumid=101...

Modern Age Paris

The group in charge of the Modern Age has chosen Paris as their main destination. Here you have some info or links about your city: Accommodation: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/historiadelturismo-110509162425-phpapp02/95/historia-del-turismo-13-728.jpg?cb=1507744841 https://prezi.com/qejybo3imwci/hoteleria-en-la-edad-moderna/  --> in this link you have info so you can look for photos (slide number 7: info about accommodation) Transport:  https://www.google.es/search?q=transport+paris+s+xvi&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2sfrp4eHaAhUK7BQKHRBpBAsQ_AUICygC&biw=1745&bih=885    ---> Different types of carriage. Activities: http://edad-modernaa.blogspot.com.es/2014/07/deportes-en-la-edad-moderna.html   --> There is one sport in France. http://marianosinues.over-blog.es/article-las-termas-romanas-de-cluny-en-paris-124536411.html   ---> Hot springs in Paris Reasons: - Health reasons: be...